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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

off to ICHG/ASHG 2011 meeting

We will be presenting our work at ICHG/ASHG 2011 meeting in Montreal, Canada.
If you are  there, come see our posters.

Poster info for the Scientoonist (Dr. Alper Uzun)
Session Title: Prenatal and Perinatal Genetics   Session Type: Poster
Session Location: Exhibit Hall, Level 2, Convention Center   Session Time: Wed 10:00AM-7:00PM
Title: Runs of Homozygosity (ROH) analysis from GWAS data for Preterm Birth.

Poster info for his scientist wife (Dr. Ece Gamsiz)
Session Title: Genomics   Session Type: Poster
Session Location: Exhibit Hall, Level 2, Convention Center   Session Time: Fri 7:00AM-4:30PM
Title:  Novel Features of Neural Retina Transcriptome Revealed by High-throughput RNA-Sequencing.