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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The winner of the caption contest

 HGNC: HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee


(Total votes: 104 during the voting period)

The Winner, (43 votes)
"HGNC is going to be our Godparent!"
Submitted by Giorgos Tsaousis 
Athens, Greece

Second Place, (35 votes)
"This is all I have to show from my 'deep sequencing' experiment"
Submitted by  Andrew Duong
Hamilton, Canada 

Third Place, (26 votes)
"Thanks for your donation. We couldn't have done it without you!"
Submitted by Joan Stabila
Providence, USA

Congratulations to "Georgios Tsaousis", and he will receive the Biocomicals t-shirt soon!

I also would like to thank to all who submit their captions and as well as to the voters. 

By the way second caption contest will start tomorrow (Jan 5, 2012)
and here is the new contest link